Manuscripts, including a letter from George Sand; Engravings, including Durer; Photographs, including Paul
Robert; Old books including Atlas of 1772, Frezier/Feux d'artifices, Lamarck/Flore francoise,
Morice/History of Brittany; Modern illustrated books including Alechinsky, André Masson,
Man Ray, Marcel Duchamp, Fautrier, Picabia; Gastronomy and oenology including Brillat-Savarin,
Cadet-Gassicourt, Le Pot-au-Feu, La Mazille; Various books and on the Périgord. Numerous lots
and boxes of books at the end of the sale.
Expert : Henri-Pierre Millescamps 06 82 12 64 34
Exhibitions: Thursday 10 June 90h30-12h30 and 14h-18h and Friday 11 June 9h30-11h30.
Boissinot-Tailliez Bergerac 11 route de la Nauve, 24100 CREYSSE-BERGERAC 05 54 62 00 20